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Hi, I am Colleen



I am a UX/UI design student studying for a Bachelor's in Design Computing at the University of Sydney and graduating in late 2022.


My mission as a UX designer is about supporting people in their tasks, making things more straightforward, and all summed up, I wish to make the world a better place. I am passionate about connecting people and creating solutions to meet users needs. I enjoy solving problems with inspiration from my passions, and I love challenging myself.


The earlier work experiences allowed me to understand that customer needs are always the main focus and in the core place.


As a professional design student, this experience inspired me to apply customer psychology to design practice passionately. As a result, I am driven to create innovative, thoughtful human-centred design solutions for various client bases.


I love all art-related things. I believe Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote genuinely, "Every artist was first an amateur." When I am not designing, I always paint or play the guitar. 

​I am always working on to become a better designer___So, Let's chat!!

Let’s Work Together

Sydney, NSW , Australia

Tel: 0414566629

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